Artikel om "bevakningen" under inspelningen
Vancouver Sun har en artikel på deras hemsida om varför New Moon-inspelningen inte är särskilt “öppen” utan att de istället försöker hålla den lite mer privat.
Så här säger Bill Bannerman, co-producer för New Moon:
To preserve the content of the material you’re trying to capture, with such a large fan base who know the nuances of the books so well, you have to go over-and-above ordinary means of protectiont’s to give the director and the group the space they need to work.
It’s the nature of the beast. They analyze and want to know, but you’re building a film one shot at a time. So when people see only one piece of the puzzle, they might take it out of context. It only represents two per cent of the grander scheme.
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Så här säger Bill Bannerman, co-producer för New Moon:
To preserve the content of the material you’re trying to capture, with such a large fan base who know the nuances of the books so well, you have to go over-and-above ordinary means of protectiont’s to give the director and the group the space they need to work.
It’s the nature of the beast. They analyze and want to know, but you’re building a film one shot at a time. So when people see only one piece of the puzzle, they might take it out of context. It only represents two per cent of the grander scheme.
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